USA Notify is a cost-effective service that gives medical facilities, service industries, government organizations and companies, as well as individuals, the ability to notify their customers, patients, residents and partners. Automated reminders, alerts and notifications can be sent effectively via phone, email and/or text message at optimal times. USANotify’s dedicated platforms can be accessed from anywhere via Cloud Computing with no equipment to purchase.
Services offered by USANotify
Bloomberg News is one of the most influential sources of reporting on economies, markets, companies, industries and governments 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with complete context, perspective and precision.
For more details click hereIO, a software-defined data center technology, services, and solutions company, announces that Parwan Electronics Company (PEC) consolidated its IT infrastructure at IO’s data center in Edison. The co-location solution is based on IO’s data center modules and integrated operating system. As a result of the technology upgrade, PEC is delivering robust and highly reliable enterprise and carrier-grade telecom solutions to its customers. This controlled environment allows PEC to simplify its server footprint, reduce spending on data center costs, improve security and ensure high availability and business continuity.
The turning point for PEC Telecom that spurred its move to IO New Jersey was Hurricane Sandy. During the nine-day power outage at its Manhattan-based facility, the company was able to stay operational, but its primary Internet provider was down for 12 days. And although power reliable, the PEC in-house facility was expensive to maintain, IO provides PEC Telecom and its customers a balance of availability, support, pricing and geographic access.